What has motivated you to choose this profession?
I actually just landed up here after being offered a prime tv show whilst being in london and still in my finance job.What motivated me to stay rather, was the opportunities I started getting such as 24 India and my campaigns. 🙂
Your own ideas on women health & wellness in Urban India ?
Staying as stress free as possible and happy on the inside. Life can be so hectic and busy sometimes that we forget about our mental health. I am a firm believer that mental health determines your psychical health. So yoga, meditation, developing awareness, having the right people around you and even mental health specialists (councillors, psychiatrists)if ever needed.
Whats your secret regime that make you look so stunning ?
Thank you cuties! Stay focused, listen to music, dance, make mistakes, learn from them, change directions when required, try new things, vitamin c, ghee, solid girlfriends, ALWAYS REMOVE YOUR MAKEUP.