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Ever Thought, Why do we celebrate Women Equality Day? Let’s Have a Look!!

Why do we celebrate Women equality day ?

This is a special day for all women around the world, because it reminds us that our basic human rights are universal, applicable to everyone, without any discrimination.

On this day, let us remember those who have fought for women’s rights throughout history. Let us also reflect on how far we still need to go before achieving gender parity and equal opportunities for men and women.

Women’s Equality Day was first celebrated on August 26, 1920 in the United States of America. It commemorates the passage of the 19th amendment to the Constitution, which gave American women the right to vote. The day also marks the anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention and the beginning of the suffrage movement. The day is observed as a public holiday by many nations around the world.

How did Women’s Equality day come about?

Women’s Rights were not always considered important or even necessary. For example, in the 18th century, the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote that women should stay at home and look after their children. He believed that they had no place outside the home.

However, during the 19th century, there was an increasing awareness among people that women needed to be given more freedom and rights. They wanted to see them educated and participate in society. As a result, the idea of giving women the right to vote began to gain momentum. It took several decades until the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920.

What does Women’s Equality mean today?

Today, women enjoy many rights and freedoms that were not available to them just 100 years ago. These include the right to vote, own property, work outside the home, divorce, choose their partners, get married, and raise families.

These rights are now taken for granted, but they were once very controversial. Many people thought that women should only be allowed to work in certain professions, such as teaching or nursing. Others argued that women should not be allowed to drive cars or fly airplanes. Some people even said that women should not be permitted to attend university.

These views were based on outdated ideas about what women could do or should do. Today, these beliefs are regarded as discriminatory and unacceptable.

What can you do to celebrate Women’s Equality?

Celebrate Women’s Equality by doing something positive for others. You can volunteer your time, donate money, or help someone else achieve their goals.

You can also take part in events organized by local groups or organizations. You can make a difference by supporting women who are trying to improve their lives.

For example, you can support women who want to become teachers. Or you can encourage women to go into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.

You can also show your appreciation by buying products made by female entrepreneurs.

There are many ways to celebrate Women’ s Equality Day. The best way to celebrate Women Equality Day is to think about how far we have come, and where we still need to go.

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